Wow, my first post

Welcome to my new blog. I'm so excited to have this blog, I've been wanting one for quite a while. I have alot to say and this seems to be the perfect place to say it.

Most of my writing is done early morning in bed with all my dogs around me. It is one of my favorite times and I know one of my dogs favorite times of the day. Once all the humans are fed and off to school or work my dogs and I crawl back into bed for cookies and email.

They get their daily cookies and I check my email. I also write and this is where I will be doing alot of that writing as well as the several books I am working on.

So glad to be here.


  1. Hi Sherri,
    I'm glad you are trying out blogging. Now I've got something interesting to read!

  2. Hi Sherri,

    Welcome to the world of Blogging. Would it be OK for me to link to your Blog from mine? I love to give some traffic to fellow Poodlers!

  3. I'd be glad to have my blog linked to yours, the more dog people that read it the better.

  4. I'm enjoying your new blog! You've inspired me to do the same.


Love to hear from you.