Friday woot woot

Okay; I'm blogging late this morning, thought I'd get a walk in and see if anything inspired me to write about. Not much exciting happened; a couple of labs, a couple of little yappers but nothing to write home about. So I'll talk about Tilley and the fact that she has turned a corner; I believe. Tilley was stricten with Idiopathic Vestibular disease on the 11th of January. It has been a slow and arduous recovery and hopefully she will continue to recover.

Yesterday was the corner turning moment; she walked out the dog door on her own and made her way up the outside steps to the kitchen door where I was making dinner. Huge. Then lastnight as we were watching television she got up; went out the dog door and I followed her (out the regular door). She sniffed around a bit and went back in. It was obvious that she just wanted to do it because she could.

Today she had a tiny sprint outside and then back in again after her first trip out this morning. She had a spring in her step and I actually had to stop her before she went flying into the wall. She is still super wobbly and unstable on her feet but she is really, really happy. Could be the personal cheer person she has for any tiny success she has. I know she sure loves to hear me cheer her on and it get's that old tail wagging.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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