Good morning

Good Sunday morning all; it is overcast here, June gloom and I love it. Yesterday was wonderfully overcast making it a joy to walk the dogs. My pooches have all had their early morning snack and have hunkered down and entered back into the deep sleep zone. No one is in a big hurry to get up and get going which is just fine with me. Taking your time and enjoying the moment is what weekends are for.

Last night I got into my new book; Raw & Natural Nutrition for Dogs by Lew Olson PhD. So far I'm loving it and have heard rave reviews. Its just out but if you want it you should probably get a copy now; they are going fast. I got mine on and it got to me in three days. This is going to be one of those "must have" books for all canine guardians. I'll let you know when I'm done and how I liked it.

So onto today; a trip to Long beach is in the works, should be a nice day for it. But first will be an outing for the dogs; once they've had their walk and a nice breakfast they will be out for the day. Then it'll be back at it on Monday with a full dog week ahead. All three are headed for the shower bath and sun dry first thing tomorrow morning. Have a great Sunday everyone.

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