The loss of a companion

This blog dedicated to Dakota; who left her family far too soon.

As canine guardians; we all know that the day will come, the day when our best friend slips away.  If life plays out the way that it should then we have many years to spend loving our dogs, but sadly it is often cut short for reasons unknown to us.  Sudden death is very tragic to those left behind; having not been prepared it hits us blindsided, sending us into a tailspin.  And if that death comes at a far too young age it is worse; a dog taken before it's time.  My brother lost his 4 year old shelter this week; they do not know what took her.  At just four years of age she left far too soon and is excruciatingly missed.

My neighbors lost their dog of 11 years a couple of weeks ago.  It was sudden and unexpected; they were left wishing for just one more day, one more day to hold their much loved girl.  "If I'd known;" a phrase far too commonly heard; but life does not always give us a heads up.  Sometimes we see that the end is near; we can prepare ourselves and lessen the shock of a loss.  But the heartache is still there; a loss is never easy, especially when it is the loss of a family member.

Dealing with the loss is a very personal matter; but the one common element is sadness.   I have discussed the loss of a companion with many, many people and it is never the same.  Some people need a lot of time; they cannot even think about a dog until several years after.  While others need to fill a void right away; the lack of a canine around is unbearable.  There is no right; there is no wrong way to deal, but deal we must.

It is a sad reality that our canines live short lives; some shorter than others.  But as our dogs slip away from our lives together; we are left with memories.  When everything is said and done it is memories that we fall back on and those memories are so very important.  I feel very strongly that each dog that passes through our lives, touching us makes us more compassionate for the next.  There are many things to learn from our dogs; each one has their own lessons to give us in their own way.  As we spend more years with the canine species we hopefully become a more compassionate, patient, loving, understanding and kind person.

True connection with a canine can only be a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. We lost our 4 1/2 year old Springer (Gidget) unexpectedly about 2 months ago. We are still very sad and miss her terribly but we still have our Lab/Border Collie Gus and he keeps us entertained. We are going to meet a Springer that is up for adoption tomorrow.

    RIP Gidget.


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