Boxing Day

Happy Boxing Day  this is my favorite Holiday because this day has the same charm as Christmas without all the work.  The day for us is spent lazing around; although we did run the dogs bright and early.  We eat lots of leftovers (love leftovers) and spend time with the family.

I hope that everyone who celebrates Christmas had a great one; we did as did the dogs.  Luke was in full swing yesterday; opening presents is one of his favorite activities and this joy can sometimes become a bit of a hinderance.  He learned the wonders of gift opening on his first Christmas; we always get the dogs something.  Once he opened his first gift he thought it would be fun to open them all.  Encouraged by onlookers he has become a little bit of a crazed gift opener.  If someone does not want his assistance you must be very firm with a "LEAVE IT".  Then he just wanders off to the next gift.

Both Luke and Tilley opened their gifts, which were these that I blogged about earlier.  And they also got adorable gifts from my son which I will post hopefully tomorrow.  Jessie has yet to open her gifts, we're dealing with a few very difficult issues as of late with her (more on that later as well.)

The dogs had turkey for dinner as did we, turkey and tofurkey that is.  The dogs had just the real stuff, the tofu turkey was for a few of the humans.    I always save the organs for them and they get turkey meat, cooked carrots, cabbage and egg shells.

I am enjoying this quiet Boxing day surrounded by the dogs.  Happy Holidays everyone.

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