

It's Mothers Day; so first let me say Happy Mother's day to all the Mom's out there.  That means all you Dog Mom's as well.  I spent yesterday after noon at Shoreline Poodles.  I met Suzanne, the breeder last summer along with a wonderful litter.  How lucky am I?  I was invited to celebrate the first birthday of that litter.  As well; several dogs from the previous litter who were celebrating their 2nd were in attendance.  She is very pregnant at the moment; due in two weeks.  This will be her third and final litter.

This is Angie; proud Momma of all the pups in attendance.  How wonderful for a breeder to see all their pups at the age of one and two years old.  Each family shared their stories with the others; it was a wonderful day.   Every dog was very different; their lives all gone in different directions and yet they all came together to celebrate.   This is how you do it; staying connected with the people who have taken home one of your puppies is another step in the "good" breeder standard.  

This gal was celebrating her first birthday; what a cutie.  I met these puppies at the age of 5 weeks and then again at 7 weeks, it was amazing seeing them all grown up.

This very big boy was there to celebrate his 2nd birthday with his younger brothers and sisters.

Just a sweetheart.

Another boy, this guy was celebrating his first.

These gals really came together; sisters but a year apart they were having a blast playing.

Another of the 1st year celebration pups.

Happy Mothers day to all of you wonderful Mothers.  :)

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