

I got home last night to a very excited pack of dogs.  As I got out of the car in the driveway I could hear Luke barking; weird.  He's not a big barker but with Mom and Dad having been gone for over a week he was on edge.  Nearing the door I could hear that Luke was not in his normal spot; it sounded much like he was outside. Opening up the front door it was obvious that he was upstairs on my bed and being that he thought we (Mom and Dad) were not home he didn't come down.  I quietly said "Luke."

After that it was a tornado and excitement.  Tilley wobbled up the stairs and Luke spun and jumped and spun and spun.  My son went down to get Jessie; she could not hear the commotion.  Soon I had all three wagging madly and making a huge array of happy sounds.  My three dog pack fits nicely into my arms as we have a hug fest.  Nothing better.

Tilley followed my husband around for a while; she was so happy to have us home but Luke never left my side.  Staring, kissing with a few face bites thrown in for over the top excitement.  Being away from the dogs is tough; much harder on us.  They are left at home with a sitter and family members so they are well taken care of and in their familiar surroundings.  So they actually have more eyes on them than normal which is very comforting for me while away.

But there really is nothing like the connection of a back and once back together, happy again.

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