
Autumn Gold

Yesterday a very good friend brought her two year old Golden Retriever Lucy to my house for a play date.  It turned out amazing; fun for Elsa, Lucy, Luke and us, the humans who got to watch the fun.  Elsa is now 16 weeks old and growing like a bad weed.  Luke is eleven and the chief Honcho at our house now.  Lucy is an amazingly beautiful, wonderful tempered Golden who was a joy to have grace our home.  Here are some of the pics from the fun.

After all this fun Elsa had a three hour nap, nice.

                                       A good visual on size difference and shades of Gold

Let the games begin

Girls having fun

Let's see how you like your ears pulled

I cannot believe that Elsa didn't wipe out here, Lucy is some serious about getting the ball back.

Elsa is not particular about what she bites and hangs onto

Elsa feeling very powerful

Lucy prepares for the hit of a charging poodle baby

Lucy decided she'd had enough ear tugging for a while

A golden sandwich

Lucy's turn to do some chasing

Elsa running for her life

Elsa trying to be very tough

Legs are good for chomping

Lucy seeing that those baby teeth are indeed sharp

Everything was going great until the girls turned their attention onto Luke

Mmmmm middle of the head chomp, that feels good

Two golden beauties

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