
A food drive

Every Holiday season brings with it the thought of others who may not be doing so well, especially in these economic times.   Many folks give generously over the holidays both with food and monetary gifts.  There are food banks all over that collect food, gift cards and money for those who do without.  Our family gives every year, when I grocery shop I buy more than I need and start to fill bags that I keep on my dining room table.  This year as I fill my bags I am also thinking about all the people who have felt the need to turn over their dog due to lack of funds to simply buy them food.

I'm having a food drive.  I am hoping that many of you will join me as I collect dog food donations.  I am contacting several of the local rescues and Meals on wheels to donate the food to directly.  What about the big guys?  As I was driving from the vets with Elsa last night I considered getting in touch with the big guys, the dog food makers and asking for a helping hand in donating food.

I will also be contacting as many of the local pet food stores for a donation as well.  Saturday December 3rd will be the official "first annual Just dogs with Sherri food drive."  I like the sound of that.  Hopefully this will mean that many of the dogs who will go hungry or be turned over to a shelter or rescue will not.  In these economic times many people just need a little help, nothing monumental, just a helping hand.

I will post more details on another blog and all the details on my Facebook group.    Whatever you can give, whoever you can call, text or share with, please feel free to spread the word.   How about in your own town?  Maybe we could make this something really big; "Feed the dogs day?"  If you can give one can, one small bag, a big bag, a bunch of food or a truck full, please do.  Every bite helps towards keeping families together.

More about the drive later.


1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea, Sherri, but why not make it a "Feed the dogs and cats day"?


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