Sunday morning

We were up early this morning; wanting to sleep in, Elsa had other plans.  She's an early riser but this morning she was up because of a strange sound, an owl.  It was hooting it's little heart out right outside our window.  Being wildlife lovers we were thrilled to hear an owl; its been a very long time since we heard one.  So we were up listening intently to the birds outside coming out as the sun rose.  I took Elsa out and stood waiting for her in the chilly morning air.  Three hawks flew low over head of our fenced in area.    The dogs have been sniffing around the fenced in area lately; I think the chipmunks have moved in.

Elsa's had her partial breakfast and both dogs have had their morning snack.  Everyone is back in bed and we are pondering the day ahead.  I think we'll hit the beach early, before the crowds.  We had to turn around and leave the beach before we even had fun last week; I thought twice about the dogs who were already present.  Up until then each beach day had been a good one.   It wasn't a bad day the day we left, I just had a bad feeling about the dogs in attendance.   I go with my feelings always now; I've gone against them before and regret it.

I'm going to charge up the camera and bring it along.  Beach shots tomorrow.  Have a great Sunday everyone.  Wooohoooo, long weekend.

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