Offering a sense of safety

After much retrieving Elsa gives into her body's requirements for rest. 

Sitting in bed blogging, a crazy canine ruckus is going on outside our patio door.  The neighborhood dogs are at it again.  It sounds like a full on attack; of course I can't be sure of what is going on but is sounds like maybe fence fighting.  (another blog)  The noise is horrible, intense but short lived like every other time.  I glance over at Elsa and see that she is very sound asleep, nice.  She has learned what to be and not to be concerned with. 

Elsa is sound aslseep knowing that she is safe.  Having a sense of security is very important to a good sleep.  Depending on the dog, it may be less or more important.  But all dogs need a sense of safety to close their eyes and drift off into a deep and restful sleep.  I love watching Luke and Elsa dose off; their face twitching and feet moving as they dream.  It means that they feel free from danger; a place where they can relax and lay their head down. 

Sleep is very important for us and for our dogs.  A dog will only truly sleep when they feel safe; or when they have no choice from complete exhaustion.  Each is an individual; as such their requirements to feel safe will be different.  Highly alert and intense type dogs like Elsa need more to shut their eyes and enter into a realm of deep sleep.  She is also very nosey which factors into the whole sleep thing.  When Elsa was a puppy it was very hard for her to fall asleep; I had to put her away somewhere quiet or it wasn't happening.  She was not one of those puppies that fall asleep in your arms.

Very mellow, low key and old dogs have an easier time drifting off into the land of nod.  I love watching Luke fall asleep wherever he lays his head these days; but it hasn't come just with the old factor.  He feels safe here in his home.  A sense of safety comes from a feeling of being guarded; an impervious cloak of protection that is given by the leader, you.  Do you make your dog feel safe and secure?  Is there a sense of calm in your home? 

Stress can cause a lack of sleep; a lack of sleep causes more stress.  A stressed dog is not a happy dog.  Dogs need their sleep; not just a shut eye sleep, but a deep and dreamy sleep.  They need to regenerate as we do and the only way to do that is to have a really great sleep.  Giving your dog the sense of security needed to achieve that depth of sleep is essential.  You need to be the type of leader who calmly says "don't worry, I got this."  Dogs need calm guidance and leadership; offering this can achieve peace and tranquility, even when there is ruckus around. 

It makes me happy to see them sleep while the outside world is fence fighting; knowing they are secure because "I got this." 

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