
Seeing through the eyes of a dog

You can clearly see on Elsa's left eye what needs to be removed, the right will be trimmed as well.  

I am not talking about seeing the world as a dog; but actually seeing out from dog eyes.  Can your dog see properly?  This morning as we had our Saturday morning snuggles and I noticed a hair that needed removing from Elsa.  I am highly aware of the line of vision that our dogs need; especially in my breed and other hairy faced dogs.  I cannot stand when people keep a full face of vision impairing hair on their dog.

I am leaving more hair on Elsa's face to allow her whisker to grow.  I have recently become more aware that they should have their whiskers (next blog) but as a poodle guardian it can be a juggling act.  So with more face hair comes more vigilance to make sure that she can see.  Not see okay, but see everything that she needs to see.

If you hold your dog's face in your hand towards you at eye level you should be able to see every part of their eye.  Sometimes a hair by the nose is too long, maybe right around the eye or midway on their muzzle.  All hair should be removed in the line of vision.

Some breed standards call for a full face groom; which can hinder or completely blind a dog.  Old English Sheepdogs are one specific breed that suffers from their grooming demands.  I cannot tell you how many times I have looked at this breed in the show ring and wondered how their people think that they can see?  They can't, that's how.   A dog is a dog and if you put something in front of their eye it will inhibit their vision.  Plain and simple.  I think that it is horrible that people who have these dogs follow the full face of hair standard!

If you like your dog with a full and hairy face; please take the time to clear their line of vision.  I see far too many dogs with big furry faces that cannot see.  Even a small bit of hair can impair their vision; which can lead to all sorts of problems let alone just not being able to see properly.  

A big fluffy face is cute but if the fluff is on the sides or top of the muzzle then it could be interfering with your dog's line of vision.  Get down to your dog's eye level; put your eyes just above their nose and have a look.  Life is too short not to be able to see it all unfold.  Don't blind your dog by a cute fuzzy face.  

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