Have a safe and happy New Year.
This is the last day of 2015. There were a great number of bad things that happened in the world this year; but it was not all bad, there was good as well. Reading all the posts on Facebook; it is clear that 2015 was a mixed bag. For us, the year started off very sad with the loss of my heart, Luke. After that things got much better and other than our loss, 2015 was a great year. We had a wedding, I started Sherri Lynne Designs, we visited family and added two new and adorable Grandsons to the gang. Looking back I have to say this has been one of the better years.
As the year draws to an end we all ponder on the time gone by. We all have things that we want to do, accomplish, overcome and start in the New Year. A New Year is a new beginning; a chance to shake off the old and bring in the new.
Elsa and I spent last evening with some great friends. We chatted about the past and the future. As I drifted off last night my thoughts were of things to come. No one can tell the future; what lies ahead is hidden until it unfolds. My life has taken some crazy turns that I never in a million years would have forecast. Life is like that, it throws many different things at us to deal with and who we are today is the result of how we deal with it all.
I always look forward to a New Year; some more than others. We have had some years that I wished I could forget. But even the worst years give us pieces from the past.
May you look upon 2015 as a springboard of better things to come in 2016. I hope to start it off with a bang. There are already many exciting changes and new endeavors in the works for us here at the Regalbuto house. Big dreams, expectations and goals for 2016. Are you with me? Let's do this.
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