I was at the beach again yesterday; my two daughters and all the dogs went. The sun had just peeked out at our house but by the time we hit 1/2 way on Laguna Canyon Rd we were covered by marine layer. I love the beach in any weather; not only when it is sunny and beautiful. And it obviously means nothing to the dogs if the sun is out or not. My dogs all love the beach.
As we made our way to the beach we stop at a traffic light to wait for the green. This is where the first people took photographs of the dogs. They were amazed by them; oooohhing and aaawwwwing as they snapped away. We had quite a few people taking pictures of the dogs yesterday. I've occassionally had people ask to photograph them but this was alot and no one was asking. I'm not sure if it was just the dogs or my daugthers and the dogs; quite possibly the appeal was a combination. So there we were walking the length of the beach, each of us with a dog. I of course had Luke.
About halfway through our walk my daughter who was walking Tilley asked me "how is Tilley go good?" I told her that I always call her my Lassie in poodle clothing and that she came that way. Yes Tilley had quite a bit of training but her polite, non pushy, extreme level of compliance is who she is. She does not like conflict, always gives way to the other dogs, she always does as we ask and is devoted beyond belief to her family. What more could ask for from a dog?
When I chose Tilley from her litter; she was already very different. At that time all of the puppies were pretty much black so it was hard to tell them apart. Tilley was playing with the others but there was something different right from the start. As her sister yanked on her coat; she turned and connected eyes with me as if to say "do you see what she is doing to me?" The eye contact was so direct that I asked about it. Tilley's breeder told me that it came from her Uncle; he used his eyes to comminucate as well.
All of my dogs have been so different; they may look similar; (except for Jessie of course) being the same breed but no two have been alike. I have a great combination of dogs in my pack. I love them all for who they are and would not want three of any one of them. They balance out each others behaviors making life with this pack always interesting, complex and a blast.
Hello !
ReplyDeleteI also have a pack witch I share my life.
So your story mean a lot to me, since I saw my self in your description
“All of my dogs have been so different; they may look similar; (except for Jessie of course) being the same breed but no two have been alike. I have a great combination of dogs in my pack. I love them all for who they are and would not want three of any one of them. They balance out each others behaviors making life with this pack always interesting, complex and a blast.”
This is exactly how I see my dogs, all different, all complete each other and in the end I don’t see to be without one of them.
Best regards !
Tilley sounds so much like Trevor that it's eerie. He is calm and easygoing, but those eyes tell the entire story. He allows the girls to boss him around even if they are all under 12 lbs, and he is ever the gentleman with them.
ReplyDeleteAvalon, I find the genes in the silver line are strong. I have seen several dogs with the same blood that are identical to Tilley.