Back into the swing

Above is an image I took on vacation; it is the Parliament buildings where there was a really cool light show.

I'm getting back into the swing of things; back now over a day the dogs are really happy. They had a huge breakfast and dinner lastnight and slept like a bunch of logs. They are going for a much needed run this morning and then everything will be back to normal.

They managed quite well while we were gone; they had many eyes watching them. We had our regular sitter who moves in and stays at our house; our other sitter who does midday visits who is amazing and a friend coming visit whenever he could. How's that for care? Everyones goal was my dogs and I can actually relax and think about having a nice vacation instead of stressing about my dogs.

I left my usual novel for the sitters explaining every possible thing I could think of. I got a new doggie door so that if the dogs needed out when one of the three caregivers were here they could go out. I had everyone's email, phone numbers and extended contact numbers listed for getting in touch with us although it is near impossible for anyone's cells to work where we spend our vacation. So there are back ups for the back up numbers.

It is a strange feeling having my dogs on the other side of North America and one I am not fond of. But with all the amazing caregivers I line up for them; I can sit back and relax knowing they are in good hands. Being back now; no one seems that they suffered any extreme stress but they are not letting me out of their sight.

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