Sardines - GROSS

Okay Gross; just plain gross. I heard that Sardines are a great source of protein for your dog. I never actually thought about it before; I guess the fact that sardines would NEVER be on my shopping list was the reason. But with an open mind; I threw a couple of square cans in my cart a couple of weeks ago.

I've never even seen a sardine close up; probably because I would never in a million years consider eating one. So I grabbed the can this morning; "I'll give it a whirl." I figured right off; there is no way Luke will eat a sardine. He is not a big fish fan to begin with so something this fishy; I have my doubts.

The only way Luke likes fish is if it is maybe poached in butter; that's right; you heard me correctly. Anyhow; back to the sardines. The pooches breakfast this morning consisted of ground beef, stewed beef which was warmed up and smelled great I might add, rice, tomato, and baby lettuce. So I thought this might be a good beefy mixture to sneak in a bit of sardine.

First I was freaked out that I was going to get sardine juice on me as I opened the can which as it happened was a very near miss. As I was grossing out completely I chopped two of the little devils into tiny pieces and placed them strategically throughout the food; less in Luke's. Luke was obviously loosing his interest as he smelled the open can of sardines on the counter.

I know he loves roast so if he didn't eat; it was the sardines. The girls ate it with gusto; Luke not so much. He approached the bowl; he could smell the beef, mmmmmmm. But there was something in there that was not inviting. He picked away at his breakfast and left over half. I knew he would hate sardines.

Don't worry he got a good late sardineless breakfast. The girls will be given the other half of the can tomorrow for breakfast and I will chalk sardines up with the many other things that Luke simply does not like; don't blame him on this one. Yuck.

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