busy busy

I'm busy finishing up my book at the moment; I'll write later today. ;) Okay, I'm back. I met with some poodle group members this morning for a poodle run, nice. The dogs got a quick illegal beach romp an were very quickly put back on their leashes when we saw "the dog police" show up.

I've just finished my book; it is uploading to the printers at this very moment and I am stoked. I will just put it out of my mind until it gets here. Once it arrives and I give it the two thumbs up I will be able to post where it can be purchased. Did I already say I'm excited?

So back to the poodles, they had a blast today. Everyone gets along so well it really is a ton of fun to get them all together. They all sport different hair styles, mine of course have the least style of any. But they all look adorable. Short and sweet today, busy busy.

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