This and that

First let me say that I got a lap cozy from my son for Christmas. It is for a laptop and being that I blog nearly every morning in bed; blogging will never be the same. I LOVE IT. Okay; the holiday was wonderful, Boxing day was even better but it's back to reality today.

Luke went on his big hike today with Dad but the girls are still waiting. The dogs have had such a smorgasbord of food over the last couple of days. Perhaps like us it will be difficult to go back to normal food; we'll see. We had another growl incident this morning; and we are in a constant state of change at the moment. Luke was laying in the kitchen after his big run; Jessie decided to smell his head which Luke was fine with until she got to his eyes. It wasn't a huge deal; he just gave a soft growl like "okay, enough sniffing." Jessie heard nothing but luckily I did this time. I quickly shooshed her away and all was well.

Jessie is not taking her new feeding kitchen routine too well. She has caught on very quickly; knowing that now she must stay out of the kitchen after she eats but she is getting somewhat upset. I may have to modify the change and just find a spot in the kitchen that is a safe distance for her to stay. Yesterday after being whisked out of the kitchen she stood facing the wall under the diningroom table. Today she went into the livingroom facing the window with her head hanging down. Hmmmm; not great.

So I will tweek the routine until it is right for all. No only is Jessie nearly deaf and loosing her sight but her routine is changing which can be upsetting to an old dog. I don't want any of my dogs upset, so I will work on making it fit for everyone.

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