Okay; we’re up and running again.
I had a great weekend; you? It was warmer than I like but at least it was cool in the morning and quickly cooled again in the late afternoon with a heavy marine layer. We are in the thick of what is popularly known here as June gloom. It is a very odd weather cycle; hot and sunny only minutes away from the beach but thick and heavy fog right at the beach. So it is this marine layer that came in yesterday around 4:00 that I was happy to see. Earlier in the day I spent several hours volunteering at the OC Super Pet adoption day. I’d never been to this event so I had no idea how large it would be; I was truly amazed.
It was a huge event; I wandered through the vendor area for quite a while before even venturing near the entrance to the rescue groups display area. Once in; there was a sea a rescue dogs, so many dogs it was mind boggling. I was able to capture the first adoptee and her/his new family. Just on their way out; smiles on both their faces and a tiny bundle in the gentleman’s arms. “Did you just adopt that little one,” I asked. They were beaming “yes first dog adopted today.” So of course I captured the moment.
Then it was onto the rest of the dogs; I could have shot for hours upon hours, but as I said it was really hot. There were puppies everywhere; and yes they were all adorable. In attendance were many of the breed specific rescues as well as small dog and big dog rescues of all kinds. It didn’t take long to discover what the “in” dogs are at the moment; a sad revelation indeed. The “in” dogs are the ones you see filling the shelters and rescues up and from what I saw at the event yesterday it is Chihuahuas, pugs, puggles and small poodle mixes.
I stopped and talked to many of the groups; everyone was very happy to share information about their individual group and the dogs they had up for adoption. As I wandered through the sea of hopefuls there were many happy faces with a new dog in their arms. One little boy sat quietly in the shade; he held a small puppy in his arms and radiated happy contentment on his face. I asked him if he was adopting this puppy and he to lit up; “yes we just got him.” It made me smile and I asked his Dad if I could capture the moment; is there anything better than a kid and their dog?
I have to admit that even knowing there are so many homeless dogs looking for homes; it was mind boggling to see so many in one place. It sort of brings the whole picture into focus; so, so many dogs. But with all the dogs; there were so many people helping, people who work tirelessly to find homes for all these dogs. Caring people who share their life and heart with these helpless dogs; rescuing, tending and re-homing. It is a daunting task; but from where I was standing these dogs had ended up in good hands, hands that were there to care and protect them until they found their new forever homes.
As I wandered through the crowds of people and dogs I could hear the stories of the dogs and the people looking for a new dog. I talked to some of the rescuers about dogs that had been given little hope of being rescued; the ones they were told to pass by. An ex-pen held a handful of handicapped dogs; saved by a very loving and caring volunteer who looked past the broken exterior and saw what was deep inside, very inspiring. Another woman held a dog with neurological issues; she too was told to leave this one, she did not.
With all of the negative in the world right; even the fact that all of these dogs were homeless, yet still there was a sense of goodness there. Everyone coming together for the good of the animals. That’s a positive.
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