Splash dogs

I spent several hours at the Pet-a-palooza yesterday morning.  I went to photograph the Splash Dogs; but had a look around before I ventured over to the pool.  This is the first thing that caught my eye; she was up for adoption and about as cute as they come.

I wandered around the vendor booths; picked up a new leash to test and review (more on that in another post) and then onto the pool.  It was practice time when I got there.  This is the wonderful thing about these events; at practice time anyone with any dog can give it a go.  It is very entertaining watching each team give it a try for the first time.  Many dogs are not going at all; no matter how hard their owner tries.  Others dive in and don't want to get out.

Then it was time for the competitive rounds.  While every dog climbed to the dock off area; there was a difference in all.  Each has their own personal technique.  There are all types of preparation; launch, take off, flight, landing and exit.  The one thing that they all have in common is enthusiasm.

Some dogs were high flyer; others were more the drop type, all were amazing to watch and photograph.

Some of the dogs were obvious super athletes; flying high and far making it look like a walk in the park.

The coated breeds were amazing to watch especially exiting the pool.  My next canine diving event will definitely contain more exit shots.  The amount of water that a longer coated dog can hold is art as it leaves the dog.   

What a great sport for all; owner, dog and spectator. 

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are great! I wish I knew about this event earlier. Our dog Abbie loves the water and can get some serious height too! Great article.


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