
4 years

I cannot believe it; today is my 4th anniversary of Just dogs with Sherri blog.  Back on June 4th 2007 I wrote my very first blog.  At the time I had no idea that four years later it would still be going strong, but here I am.  I love having the opportunity to share so much canine information with all of you.  Living with dogs is a lot of fun, often a challenge, can be hysterical of course when many times you feel like crying and to be able to share all this with you has been wonderful.

When I sit down to write my blog each and every day I am often inspired by the dog world around me.  Sometimes I get bloggers block and have a difficult time coming up with an idea.  I have asked my family and friends and you my readers for inspiration; things you'd like to see a blog about and you didn't let me down.  I have tried to address hot topics, controversial subject matter, things that touch your heart, current happenings, new products, fun events and everything else that has to do with dogs in our day to day.  I have introduced you to my life and my dogs, Jessie, Tilley and Luke and shared our life together.  As we go through issues; from behavior, health, nutrition and more I try to pass on information to you the best I can.

We've been through a lot in the past four years; many canine health issues have come up.  When I share these with you I hope that maybe it has helped even one dog or person.  It is amazing when you hear about other people's lives and how they can reflect on your own, it makes our world a whole lot smaller.  Knowing that other people are dealing with the same issues that you are can help just knowing that you are not alone.  I know that when I hear about a new illness that I'd not heard of before I put it into the back file in my memory bank; perhaps someday I will call upon it.  We all hope that the life we share with our dogs will be a smooth one; filled with health and happiness but that is not always the case.

I truly hope that the joy I get from writing about dogs brings you even a fraction of enjoyment from reading it that it brings me.  I know that I was meant to have a dogs life and a dogs life I have.  Whether I am training, listening, watching, photographing, writing or simply being with a dog it is where I was meant to be.  Thank you for allowing me to share my passion of the canine species with you all.  I look forward to many more years.


  1. Congratulationa and Happy Anniversary Sherri.!! Love your posts and love your fur-kids.!!

  2. I have been reading your blog for a few months. I look forward to it. Thank you.

  3. Congratulations on your four year anniversary! You have a gorgeous blog and I love your writing. Keep up the good work!
    Military Service Dogs

  4. Sherri, I very much enjoy reading your articles, I have gained much information from you and others who make comments, both here and on your Facebook wall. Happy Anniversary and I hope there are many more to come.


Love to hear from you.