Out of April and into May recap

First let me share that there has been another big dog food recall.

Dog food recall

Wellness food recall 

Please share these recalls with all of your dog friends.

It's been a busy week.  This week was pretty much gray here in Southern California, I think I saw the sun peek out only once.  We had several days of drizzle and one of actual rain.  When it rains I am out, rain typically keeps a good percentage of the people in with their dogs so that means more chance of a free run for us.  We met a labrador friend of Elsa's and they played and ran like crazy in the rain.  It was this friend of hers that let me know that she was indeed coming into heat.  Poor guy, at six months of age he didn't know what hit him.

Luke has had a very bad eating week, I mean worse than normal.  It could very well be the fact that Elsa is in heat or just Luke being Luke.  He's has decided that he does not eat out of a bowl at mealtime but enjoys eating sporadically throughout the day.  When he does eat it is at a snail pace so a time consuming event to say the least.  He did just finish two whole pieces of cheesey turkey meatloaf that I heated up for my breakfast.  When he eats we go with it and give him as much as we can get in.  So he enjoyed most of my breakfast.

Over this week Elsa has also learned the joy of staying in bed and rarely gets up with me when I go down to get coffee and/or breakfast.  She gets up when I get ready for the gym but goes right back to bed with Luke when I leave.  When I get back from the gym the two of them are snuggled in my bed.

We have been working on the dog door lately with very little success I'm afraid.  Elsa really doesn't like it.  She is fine with pushing it but does not like that it hits her in the back as she goes through.  At this point with her in heat, I'm glad that she is not wanting to use it.  I frankly don't want her out there when I'm not home.  There is no fence high enough for a male after a female in heat.

We will be heading to the beach probably tomorrow and enjoy a day puttering around at home.

Happy Cinqo de Mayo everyone.  Get out those avocados and tequila, of course for the humans.

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