
About me

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My life is dogs. Whether I'm grooming, training, photographing, writing about or just simply hanging out, it's with dogs.

Strawberry was the first dog to touch my life. After years and years of begging my parents; they finally caved and brought a tiny toy poodle home to my brothers (2) and sisters (2). He was a re-homed show poodle; not the best choice for a family of 7 but I adored him.

But even before Strawberry came the books. A stack of "Know Your Breed" books that I had collected. Know your Saluki, Know your Doberman, Know your Poodle etc etc.

Then at the age of 13 came the moment that changed me forever. I was handed the dog who started it all (Jake) and sent into the show ring. That was it; that was the quintessential moment that headed me to where I was meant to be, with dogs.


  1. Sherri are you currently communicating on this site?

  2. Hi Laurie, no I have moved my blog to my main website. Contact me at


Love to hear from you.