Good morning, I had my dogs at the beach yesterday and it was amazing. There was a mere handful of people there; it was sunny in the high 60s. This is how I enjoy the dog beach, I do not go to the beach on the weekends or once we enter into the summer months when the beach is so crowded that you can't find a spot. The stress level grows both in the dogs and the people so a quiet walk on the beach; meeting other dogs every so often is what I call fabulous.
The dogs were thrilled to be there; Tilley enjoyed retrieving her ball in the water and Luke loves to meet new dogs. He is so great with other dogs if he doesn't have a leash on. Even the small ones; we came across a group of people with a doxie, two minpins and two rat terriers and he got excited; met everyone and then was on his way. Tilley basically pretends we are the only ones at the beach and even when a dog is pushy; she tends to freeze until I help her. When we arrived yesterday I scoped the beach before walking down; everything looked good.
There were two shepherd mix looking dogs at the entrance who looked a bit pushy but Luke sailed by without a problem. Tilley got held up with them, they didn't want her to cross their imaginary line and so she did not. I was only about 10 feet ahead when I turned to see her situation. I quickly made a direct head on abrupt approach to the dogs which sent the two bullies packing and Tilley was a happy girl as she wagged and charged ahead to catch up with Luke.
We basically had the beach to ourselves; at least a stretch of it. There was one girl with her two pomeranians who Luke played with for a long while. One of the dogs loved to be chased and Luke does love to chase so it was a good game. Tilley only wanted her ball tossed, she knew I had it in my belt so out it came and the tossing began. Tilley's birthday is on the 13th of this month and she will be 11; so we now have to limit her activities. Not that she doesn't get to go nuts but she will retrieve until she drops dead so someone has to do the thinking.
Now onto dog clothes; I spent about an hour lastnight at the book store doing some research. Of course I visit the dog magazine area to see the magazines that I don't have photos in. There are several newer magazines that are focusing on the "Paris Hilton" type dog image. You know the dogs that are all dressed up with no where to go. So many images grace the pages of dogs in costumes and outfits. But if you look closely; the facial expression says it all.
I for one like real dogs and clothes are for keeping a dog warm and thats it. They are not little people and therefore should not have a wardrobe unless of course they don't have hair like some of the breeds. This whole way of thinking, fashion for dogs, feather boa's, hats and high end jewelry; I mean come on. It is entirely a different world from those who love to let their dogs be dogs and get down and dirty. The sledding, frisbee, agility, flyball, obedience, search and rescue and dock diving type dog people are "real dog" people.
The fashion wearing, dog in a tote bag, jewelry and formal attire wearing dog guardians should really just get a Barbie to dress up and drag around with them. And to promote this type of behavior in a magazine geared to the high fashion dog? All I can do is shake my head.
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