Off on a shoot

Today everyone had a chill day; my daughter and I did a bit of shopping while the dogs were at home relaxing. They had a huge week this week so I thought they were all due for a break. Luke is limping from his run in with the two lady boxer gangsters but seems to be fine otherwise. He does keep giving me those eyes but he knows how to play Mom real well.

I'm off on a poodle shoot tonight, looking forward to it. I'd like to get my poodle book moving a little faster, this week was just a really weird one. With each image I want to bring out what stands out in each dog, which usually means I gotta get to know them really quick. That means alot of discussing; what is their favorite thing to do? Sometimes this answer is an easy one; but sometimes dogs are very fun loving and love just about anything. Many standard poodles fit into this category, they are by far one of the most utility breeds. They are up for anything.

But no matter how many I meet, they are all different. Each has their own personality, issues, quirks and things that make them special. That is what I have to discover and bring out in an image.

What a great job

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