In the blink of an eye

Your new puppy lays there quietly sleeping in your arms; you waited so long for this moment.

Bleary eyed you make your way to the crate; the source of the yelping to be let out.............again.

Patience?   It's been growing thin these days, hard when your 3rd pair of shoes have lost the puppy war this week.

Where is that puppy?

You suddenly realize; it's been a while since you've had to clean up a mess in the house.

You stand dumbfounded as your 10 month old comes when called.

Full grown; finally, now you are missing your tiny puppy.

Your indescribable and unbreakable bond is cast in stone.

What a great adult your dog has become; a well adjusted member of the canine society.

In their prime; fit, athletic and ready to take on the world.

Your constant shadow.

Six; is a great age.

As your vet offers you the "Senior" package; you recoil in disbelief.

The sun catches the glimmering grey on their muzzle; something you hadn't noticed before.

The dim light in the evening reveals the tell-tale cloudiness; not there the last time you looked.

Runs distance is shortened; rocketing air leaps for the Frisbee are now grounded.

Runs  become walks.

Naps are now an afternoon event.

Food carelessly dropped on the kitchen floor is there to see another day.

Where once a whisper could be heard; now a bellow is barely audible.

Your guardian has become your guarded treasure.

**The steps from puppy to old dog are short ones; enjoy each stage, each moment as they are far too brief  indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful writing, it made me cry :') we just lost our 3 year old boxer, Duke, to a neuromuscular disease. He went from young & vital to "old dog" in 3 short mos. It was so sad to watch him deteriorate so fast. At the end we had to put him down as he had succumbed to infection from bed sores & aspiration pneumonia. If his spirit alone could have kept him alive he would have lived forever. His body just got too tired. He's now in heaven running & playing pain free with all the dogs that went before him. Someday he will greet me at the gates as he used to by wiggling from head to tail & effectively turning his whole body into a circle, I used to call him my "doughnut dog" lol. He was such a good boy, loving & gentle but he would've laid his life down to defend me or one of my kids. I dearly miss him, his time with us was far too short but I know he has begun his new eternal adventure & is finally cured :’) Love you Dukie...


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